
What We Do

As a real estate agent, we go further than just closing the best deal for you. We think strategically and stand completely beside you as a (future) office tenant, owner or user of an office building or business space. The rental of commercial real estate is a core task for Solved.

Independent advice on office accommodation

For example, we can help you with the search for a new office building, renegotiating the contract in order to achieve the best financial and legal conditions for you when the end of your lease term comes into view. Together with you we investigate what is useful in terms of office accommodation as soon as your organization merges or grows. In all these situations we assist you with independent accommodation advice: from workplace consultancy to the relocation.

We help you choose a suitable property that contributes to your next step in business.

Solved Way Of Working

In samenspraak zullen we eerst de huisvestingsbehoefte voor de toekomst bepalen. Uiteraard wordt ook onderzocht welke rol het kantoor gaat krijgen en hoeveel oppervlakte optimaal is zodat alle medewerkers productief kunnen werken.

We helpen uw wensen te vertalen naar eisen. Door harde data uit HR-lijsten, Thuiswerkfactor, enquêtes en plattegronden worden aangevuld met informatie uit interviews. Hieruit ontstaat een ruimtelijk programma van eisen en een werkplekconcept.

Aan de hand van het PvE zullen wij een marktinventarisatie uitvoeren van gebouwen die voldoen aan de criteria. Ook wordt gekeken of deze criteria te realiseren is in het huidige kantoor. Hieruit vormt de ‘stay or go analyse’.

In vervolg op eerder genoemde stappen zal de onderhandelingsstrategie worden vastgesteld. Vanuit hier wordt de onderhandeling of transactie gerealiseerd voor een nieuw contract of een heronderhandeling van een bestaand contract.

Met de doelstelling van de organisatie in het achterhoofd en de inventarisatie van de huidige situatie op tafel zal de workplace consultant adviseren welk werkplekconcept het meest geschikt is. Dit werkplekconcept geeft inzicht in vloeroppervlaktes en indeelbaarheid van het nieuwe kantoor.

Solved helpt desgewenst met het passend maken van de locatie door de verbouwing en inrichting te verzorgen. Op deze manier hebben jullie één partij als aanspreekpunt die jullie in het traject ontzorgt.

Solved Way Of Working

Objective & Wishes

In consultation, we will first determine the housing needs for the future. Of course, the role of the office will also be examined and how much surface area is optimal so that all employees can work productively.


We help to translate your wishes into requirements. Hard data from HR lists, Homework factor, surveys and maps are supplemented with information from interviews. This results in a spatial program of requirements and a workplace concept.


Based on the SoR, we will carry out a market inventory of buildings that meet the criteria. It is also being examined whether these criteria can be achieved in the current office. This forms the ‘stay or go analysis’.

Contract formation

Following the steps mentioned above, the negotiation strategy will be determined. From here the negotiation or transaction is realized for a new contract or a renegotiation of an existing contract.

Interior design

With the objective of the organization in mind and an inventory of the current situation on the table, the workplace consultant will advise which workplace concept is most suitable. This workplace concept provides insight into floor areas and the divisibility of the new office.

Renovating and Relocating

If desired, Solved helps to make the location suitable by taking care of the renovation and furnishing. In this way you have one party as a point of contact that relieves you during the process.

How do we bring life back to the office?

Many organizations see the unpopularity of the office as a cause for concern. The question is whether we should indeed be concerned and how we can remove these concerns.

In this white paper we map out the consequences of the low occupancy. And we propose solutions that are based on our own research. This with the aim of creating an office environment that works. Works for the individual and the organization.

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At Solved we like to do things differently as a real estate agent. We help you develop a strategy that optimally supports your organization’s business objectives. Whether it concerns cost savings, efficiency, sustainability or flexibility. We do not write long reports, but provide a realistic and feasible plan and execute it for you. From contract negotiations to office renovation or office sustainability. That’s Solved.

Business brokerage with customization

Unlike many other commercial real estate brokers, as an independent commercial broker, we are only at your side of the table as a tenant, owner or user. We have no working relationships with real estate developers, investors or contractors. So no double agenda. This gives you the certainty that you will receive a complete overview of the range of office buildings on offer, enabling you to make the most suitable choice.

We compare the different properties for you and take into account which aspects are most important to you. This way we can pay attention to aspects such as accessibility, travel times, CO2 emissions, image, available facilities, office sustainability and costs.

What is important to us: a satisfied customer who likes to come back

Sustainable office brokerage

More and more organizations attach great importance to office sustainability. Solved carefully monitors your sustainability ambitions in the search for your new ideal property. A sustainable office building goes much further than just the energy label. This is how we see where the focus is for you. Is it mainly about limiting CO2 emissions or about circularity? About energy consumption? And what does your budget allow for that?

Via the platform we developed, for example, we can conduct CO2 research by comparing several buildings on the amount of CO2 emissions based on travel distance and travel time to the buildings. This makes making choices easier and helps to keep the big picture in mind.

Advice on contract negotiation

Even if you have no relocation plans, as an independent commercial broker we have added value. It pays to take a critical look at your office rental contract. There is a chance that you can structurally save costs and improve your office rental contract on other points.

For the office lessor it is often nice to have the certainty that you will stay for a while; this gives you, as an office tenant, a favorable negotiating position. There may be possibilities to extend for a longer period of time, with a rent reduction as a result. Or to agree on improvements to the building as a condition for extending your office rental contract.

So don’t just sign your contract extension. We can help you to have the office rental contract adjusted on crucial points during negotiations.

International office accommodation

Solved also has a great deal of experience in the field of international office accommodation. Finding new office accommodation abroad is often even more difficult than in the Netherlands. You will be dealing with a different language and culture and with different laws and regulations. Where can you find an advisor who understands your goals and wishes and who sits alone at your side of the table? With us.

Solved is there for 100% independent office accommodation advice all over the world. With our international team of specialists, we are there exclusively for you as a tenant. Transparent and without conflicts of interest.